
Set 46


April 15—21, 2024
Set 46 of thDouble Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 101, 102, 103 and the following paper from Part IV:

Paper 190
Morontia Appearances of Jesus

190:5.2 On this Sunday afternoon, about three miles out of Jerusalem and a few minutes before five o’clock, as these two brothers trudged along the road to Emmaus, they talked in great earnestness about Jesus, his teachings, work, and more especially concerning the rumors that his tomb was empty, and that certain of the women had talked with him. ... 
Excerpt from Paper 190: section 5, paragraph 2


Set 45


Set 45 of thDouble Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 99, 100 and the following paper from Part IV:

The Resurrection

189:4.6 They were greatly surprised to see the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, inasmuch as they had said among themselves on the way out, “Who will help us roll away the stone?” They set down their burdens and began to look upon one another in fear and with great amazement. While they stood there, atremble with fear, Mary Magdalene ventured around the smaller stone and dared to enter the open sepulchre. ...
Excerpt from Paper 189: section 4, paragraph 6


Set 44

Set 44 of thDouble Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 96, 97, 98 and the following paper from Part IV:

The Time of the Tomb

188:3.1 Throughout this Sabbath day the disciples and the apostles remained in hiding, while all Jerusalem discussed the death of Jesus on the cross. There were almost one and one-half million Jews present in Jerusalem at this time, hailing from all parts of the Roman Empire and from Mesopotamia. This was the beginning of the Passover week, and all these pilgrims would be in the city to learn of the resurrection of Jesus and to carry the report back to their homes. ... 
Excerpt from Paper 188: section 3, paragraph 1


Set 43

Set 43 of thDouble Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains the following five papers from Part IV:

Paper 183
The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

Paper 184
Before the Sanhedrin Court

Paper 185
The Trial Before Pilate

Paper 186
Just Before the Crucifixion

Paper 187
The Crucifixion

185:6.1  In all that is transpiring early this Friday morning before Pilate, only the enemies of Jesus are participating. His many friends either do not yet know of his night arrest and early morning trial or are in hiding lest they also be apprehended and adjudged worthy of death because they believe Jesus’ teachings. In the multitude which now clamors for the Master’s death are to be found only his sworn enemies and the easily led and unthinking populace. ...
Excerpt from Paper 185: section 6, paragraph 1

Set 42


Set 42 of thDouble Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 93, 94, 95 and the following paper from Part IV:

Paper 182
In Gethsemane

182:3.1 After all was still and quiet about the camp, Jesus, taking Peter, James, and John, went a short way up a near-by ravine where he had often before gone to pray and commune. The three apostles could not help recognizing that he was grievously oppressed; never before had they observed their Master to be so heavy-laden and sorrowful. ...
Excerpt from Paper 182: section 3, paragraph 1


Set 41


Set 41 of the Double Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 91, 92 and the following two papers from Part IV: 
The Farewell Discourse

Paper 181

Final Admonitions and Warnings

180:2.1 Then Jesus stood up again and continued teaching his apostles: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. I am the vine, and you are the branches. And the Father requires of me only that you shall bear much fruit. The vine is pruned only to increase the fruitfulness of its branches. ...
Excerpt from Paper 180: section 2, paragraph 1


Set 40


Set 40 of the Double Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 88, 89, 90 and the following two papers from Part IV:

Paper 178
Last Day at the Camp

Paper 179
The Last Supper

179:1.1  When the apostles had been shown upstairs by John Mark, they beheld a large and commodious chamber, which was completely furnished for the supper, and observed that the bread, wine, water, and herbs were all in readiness on one end of the table. Except for the end on which rested the bread and wine, this long table was surrounded by thirteen reclining couches, just such as would be provided for the celebration of the Passover in a well-to-do Jewish household. ... 
Excerpt from Paper 179: section 1, paragraph 1
