

Most of the images on this site are the paintings of artists born in the 19th century. Some images are from vintage children's bible story books or Sunday School teaching cards that were popular during the first half of the 20th century.

Maud T. Atkinson (1875–1954) 
"Child Jesus Talking to God" Set 6

Cicely Mary Barker (1895–1973)
"Glory to God in the Highest" Set 30
"Blessing the Children" Set 35 

Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834–1890)
"Woman at the Well" Set 17
"The Transfiguration" Set 29

Francois Boucher (1703-1770)
"St. Peter Attempting to Walk on Water" Set 23

Andreas Cellarius (1596–1665)
"Copernican Astronomical Chart" Set 28

Frederic Edwin Church (1826–1900)
"Rainy Season in the Tropics" Set 1

Antonio Ciseri (1821–1891)
"Ecce Homo" (Behold the Man!) Set 43

Pelegri Clave (1811–1880)
"The Good Samaritan" Set 32 

Hermann Clementz (1852–1930)
"Blessing the Children" One Page Stories of Jesus 

Harold Copping (1863–1932)
"Working on the Sabbath" Set 21       
"Mary at the Tomb" Set 45

Tom Curr (1887–1958) 
"Follow Me" Set 52

Erastus Salisbury Field (1805–1900) 
"The Garden of Eden" Set 2 

Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (1656–1723)
"Pharos Alexandria" Set 8

Eugene Girardet (1853–1907)
"Bedouins in the Desert" Set 3

Evelyn Stuart Hardy (1866–1935)
"The Three Wise Men in Jerusalem" Misc Posts

H.A. Harper (1835–1900)
Courtesy of
"Mount Hermon" Set 11 

William Stanley Haseltine (1835–1900)
"Country Road" Double Track Reading Cycle

Heinrich Hofmann (1824–1911) 
"Jesus among the Doctors" Set 5

William Brassey Hole (1846–1917)
"Woman with the Issue of Blood" About this site
"Jesus Calls Levi to be a Disciple" Set 13  
"Martha, Mary, and Lazarus"  Set 31

George Inness (1825—1894)
"In the Berkshires" Treasure-House Chapters

Claude Lorrain (1600–1682)
"Capriccio with Ruins of the Roman Forum" Set 9

John Everett Millais (1829–1896)
"The Lost Piece of Silver" Set 36

Thomas Nelson and Sons, LTD
Bible Stories for Children: A First Book (1930s) by Muriel J. Chalmers and illustrated by R.F.C. Waudby, V.M. Brock, and Jorge Ropar
"Parable of the Friend at Midnight" Set 18

L. Prang and Co. publisher (1875)
"Nazareth" Set 4

Providence Lithograph Company   
Bible lesson cards—Began publishing Sunday School material in 1878 
"Temptation of Jesus" Set 12
"Jesus and Nicodemus" Set 16  
"Jesus and Zaccheus" Set 37
"Last Supper" Set 40

Raphael (1483–1520)
"The School of Athens" Set 10

Ilya Repin (1844–1930)
"Job and his Friends" Job

David Roberts (1796–1864)
"Sidon, from the North" Set 26
"Nazareth, general view" Images

Enrique Simonet (1866–1927)
"Flevit super illam" (He wept over it) Set 39 

Standard Bible Story Readers (1920s)
Illustrated by O.A. Stemler (1872–1953) and Bess Bruce Cleaveland
"Jesus Alone by the Sea" Set 7
"Catching 153 Fish"   Set 14 
"Raising the Widow's Son at Nain" Set 19
"Parable of the Leaven" Set 22
"Peter's Confession" Set 27
"Behold, I Stand" Set 34
"Anointed for Burial" Set 38
"Young Man Pruning the Grapevines" Set 41
"Jesus Teaching a New Commandment" Set 47 
"An Apple Tree Laden with Fruit" Set 50

August Carl Vilhelm Thomsen (1815–1886)
"Angels over Jesusalem" Set 44 

Friedrich Paul Thumann (1834–1908)
"Child Jesus in the Temple" Other Posts

Tiffany Studios (c. 1910)
"Field of Lilies" Set 33

James Tissot (1836–1902) 
"The Exhortation to the Apostles" Set 15
"Jesus Teaches the People by the Sea" Set 20
"Jesus Discourses with His Disciples" Set 25 
"The Lord's Prayer" Set 49 

George Timothy Tobin (1864–1956)
"Jesus in the Synagogue" Set 24

J.M.W. Turner (1775–1851)
"Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino" Set 51

Elsie Anna Wood (1887–1978)
"Garden of Gethsemane" Set 42
"On the Shore" Set 48

Robert Zund (1826–1909) 
"The Way to Emmaus" Set 46
