


The following notes include some connections between papers within a set and some connections to seasonal / cultural observances. 


Set 30: 

The Overcontrol of Evolution (65)

Part IV:

The Decapolis Tour (159)

Rodan of Alexandria (160)

Further Discussions with Rodan (161)

Rodan was from Alexandria, Egypt

Epiphany stories include "Escape to Egypt"

Familiar stories include "The Lost Sheep," "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant," and "Forbid Him Not."


Set 31:

The Planetary Prince of Urantia (66)

The Planetary Rebellion (67)

Part IV: 

At the Feast of Tabernacles (162)

66:5.14-15 ... "the seven chants of worship"

162:4.2 ... "Levitical chants"

Jesus publicly declares his divinity for the first time in Jerusalem in Paper 162.

Consider this declaration in response to the planetary rebellion in Paper 67.

Familiar stories include "A Village Refuses," "The Accused Woman," Light of the World," "Living Water," and "Martha and Mary."


Set 32:
Part IV:

The Feast of the Dedication is also called Hanukkah, which is the eight-day winter "festival of lights."

Familiar stories include "The Rich Young Man" and "The Laborers in the Vineyard," "The Good Samaritan," and "The Man Born Blind."


Set 33:
Part IV:

In the U.S., January 20th is presidential inauguration day. It represents "the peaceful transfer of power." Also, the State of the Union speech is scheduled sometime within the first few months of the year.

The Perean mission began in January, 30 A.D. See my brief timeline below.

Familiar stories include "The Good Shepherd," "Not One Sparrow," "Parable of the Rich Fool," "Consider the Lilies," "Treasures in Heaven" 


Set 34:
Part IV:

Consider a midsummer commemoration of Adam and Eve's arrival. "It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived." 74:0.1

Familiar stories include "The Ten Lepers"

See Genesis 2 for the story of Adam and Eve (Part 1)


Brief Timeline:

7 B.C.   August 21—Birth (122)

A.D. 21 January—Jesus moves to Capernaum (129)

A.D. 25 August—Sojourn on Mount Hermon begins (134)

A.D. 26 January—Baptism of Jesus (136)

A.D. 27 January—Ordination of the Apostles (140)

A.D. 28 January—Death of John, and first preaching tour begins (146)

A.D. 29 January—Third preaching tour begins (150)

A.D. 29 August—Transfiguration on Mount Hermon (158)

A.D. 30 January—Last preaching tour of Perea begins (165)

A.D. 30 April 9—Resurrection (189)

A.D. 30 May 18—Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth (194)

