


The following notes include some connections between papers within a set and some connections to seasonal / cultural observances. 


Papers 53 and 54

The Lucifer Rebellion is the origin of our world's troubles and why Michael came here.

In keeping with Christian tradition, Handel's "Messiah" and "Nine Lessons and Carols" trace the root of our troubles back to the Fall of Man in the biblical account of Adam and Eve.

Paper 156:5.1

Story of the White Lily

This closely resembles the Buddhist teachings about the Lotus.

In Christianity, the white lily has been a symbol for the virginity of Mary. 


Set 27:
Part IV:

Paper 56

This paper marks the end of Part II

Paper 157:6.3

Peter's confession at Caesarea-Philippi marks the end of the third phase of Jesus' bestowal and the beginning of the fourth phase.

Advent is the beginning of the church year

John 1:4 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." 

122:4.1 "... In him will be life, and his life shall become the light of mankind. ... "

122:8.6  These priests from Mesopotamia had been told sometime before by a strange religious teacher of their country that he had had a dream in which he was informed that “the light of life” was about to appear on earth as a babe and among the Jews. And thither went these three teachers looking for this “light of life.” ...

"Hark the Herald Angels Sing" second verse:

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness!

Light and life to all He brings; Risen with healing in His wings ...


Very near to Christmas Day, which is a good time to pause Part IV


The brotherly love of Christmastime helps with understanding some difficult concepts.

Let There Be Peace on Earth is increasingly heard as a Christmas carol. It's lyrics include, "With God as our Father, brothers all are we."

We celebrate the birth of Jesus on August 21 and December 25

Set 11 features the Sojourn on Mount Hermon

Set 29 features the Transfiguration on Mount Hermon

In the RCLectionary, Transfiguration Sunday is the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.

Feast date: August 6th 

Actual date: August 15th

The story of the Transfiguration fits well with the Solstice.

The longest night gives way to the return of the light.

"In the Bleak Midwinter"

The planetary rebellion began "one day, midwinter of the northern continents" (67:2.1)

Proper 29 "Reign of Christ Sunday," marks the end of the church year.

Set 29 "The Transfiguration," lands on the last Sunday of the calendar year.

