Paper 140:3.14-16
The Urantia Book
Students may read Paper 140:3.16 or read all of 14-16
During one great sermon, Jesus taught the disciples about love. He also tried to help them understand how God acts in the world when he spoke of the sun and the rain. Jesus said the Father in heaven “makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Then, he gave them something to strive for. He said, “Be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” This teaching is a portion of what became known as the Sermon on the Mount.
Discussion Questions
Sun and rain are part of God’s creation, and all people need them in order to live here on earth. What was Jesus saying about God when he talked about sun and rain? People also need a supreme goal for living. How can we become perfect?
When benevolence is the dwelling-place of the heart,
and righteousness the path of the life,
the business of a great man is complete. (Confucianism)
The man who knoweth God, is priceless.
God abideth with the man who knoweth Him.
The man who knoweth God, is the perfect being. (Sikhism)