
Family-friendly, One-hour Format


The following format is designed for a Urantia religious gathering that is family-friendly. Three people will be needed: a song leader, moderator, and reader. 

First half-hour with children: participating:

Find easy-to-learn songs from various traditions

Greetings of Peace

Call children forward—Announce today's lesson

Children follow their teacher to their classroom

Remaining half-hour:

Prayer requests / Silent prayer

End silent prayer with the reading of selected Interfaith quotations *

Reading from The Urantia Book
Coordinate with the children's lesson or the annual cycle

Closing Prayer or song


* A good source for Interfaith quotations is Treasure-House of the Living Religions by Robert Ernest Hume c1932. 

Suggested floor plan:

Chairs are not arranged in a circle, but rather facing front. A children's room is located directly off the back of the main room. That way, if teachers are not available, parents can keep an eye on their children, yet still feel a part of the main room activities.
