Paper 164:3-5
The Urantia Book
When Jesus was in Jerusalem, he approached a man who had been blind since birth. Jesus declared that sin had not caused his blindness. Then, he proceeded to heal him, saying, “We must do the works of Him who sent me.” First, he mixed dirt with spittle and placed it on the man’s eyes. Then, he told the man to wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam. The man did this and began to see. When the man returned, people asked what happened. Later, the Pharisees questioned the man born blind.
Discussion Questions
Why do you suppose people believed that sin caused blindness? How was this healing different from Jesus’ other healings? We do not have Jesus’ power to heal, but what are some good deeds we can do as we go about our day?
The believer performeth good works.
The believer performeth unselfish works. (Sikhism)
O Wise Lord! We pay our homage to Thee.
We express our indebtedness to Thee.
We come to Thee through all good thoughts,
All good words, all good deeds. (Zoroastrianism)