
Week 22 of Year 2 "O Jerusalem"


For adult study: "O Jerusalem"

The story summary and questions were written in a way that makes it possible to use a New Testament reference in place of the Urantia reference. A selected chapter from a 1932 book, Treasure-House of the Living Religions, supports a spiritual theme that is found within the story. 
Children will use a one page handout that includes a coloring picture. 

Paper 171:4.4-7
The Urantia Book

There came certain Pharisees

Students may read Paper 171:4.4-7

Some of the Pharisees were friendly to Jesus. A group of them came to warn Jesus that Herod wanted to kill him. This was no surprise to Jesus. He said they should tell Herod that he had plans of his own. Jesus planned to continue his preaching and would soon enter the city of Jerusalem for the last time. Then he exclaimed, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!

Discussion Questions

What does the hen passage tell us about Jesus? Many of the common people were willing to trust and follow Jesus. But too many of their religious rulers were not. Why do you think people are able to trust Jesus and his teachings?

Procedure for using the PDF handouts with children


Additional reading:

The third paragraph mentions that our Creator Son has qualities like that of the Eternal Mother Son.


Re: Trust

140:6.2 ... You must start out afresh as little children and be willing to trust my teaching and believe in God. ...

155:1.2 ... But the Psalmist did glimpse the true light when, in finishing this exhortation, he said: ‘Blessed are they who put their trust in this Son.’”


New Testament reference


Chapter 8—Trust and Guidance—p.32

Who is there for a protector other than Thyself, 

O Wise Lord, Right and Best Thought!  (Zoroastrianism)

O God, on all sides Thou art our Life-giver! 

Aim of all eyes, Light-finder, come within us! 

With Thy protections both from behind and from before, 

O God, preserve us of one accord!  (Hinduism)
