
One Page Stories of Jesus

One Page Stories of Jesus 🌿

Parents and teachers can easily use these weekly lessons, which arrive as a PDF and can be printed as a one page handout. Each lesson presents a story of Jesus that appears in both The Urantia Book and the New Testament. The handouts are designed to fill a half-hour class, ages 8-12. The content of each lesson, however, is entirely appropriate for older students. 

Scroll to the bottom of this post for information on how to receive the weekly PDFs, which are free-of-charge.

September ... Lessons begin on the Sunday after the first Monday in September

Week 1 “Gathering the Disciples”
Year 1--The First Disciples ... 137 
Year 2--Come and See ... 137  
Year 3--The Wedding at Cana ... 137 
Year 4--The Call of Matthew ... 138  
Year 5--The Twelve Apostles ... 140 

Week 2 “The Beatitudes”
Year 1--The Poor in Spirit ... 140
Year 2--They Who Mourn ... 140
Year 3--The Merciful ... 140
Year 4--The Peacemakers ... 140
Year 5--They Who are Persecuted ... 140

Week 3 “The Ordination Sermon” 

Year 1--Salt and Light ... 140
Year 2--Turn the Other Cheek ... 140
Year 3--Love Your Enemies ... 140
Year 4--Be You Perfect ... 140
Year 5--Judge Not ... 140


Week 4 "Notable People” 
Year 1--John the Baptist - Part 1 ... 135  
Year 2--John the Baptist - Part 2  ... 135 and 144
Year 3--Visit with Nicodemus ... 142
Year 4--Woman at the Well - Part 1 ... 143 
Year 5--Woman at the Well - Part 2  ... 143

Week 5 “The Believer's Prayer” 
Year 1--Our Father ... 144
Year 2--Your Will Be Done  ... 144
Year 3--Give Us This Day ... 144
Year 4--Forgive Us ... 144
Year 5--Deliver Us ... 144

Week 6 “About Prayer”
Year 1--The Friend at Midnight ... 144
Year 2--The Wise Father ... 144
Year 3--The Widow and the Judge ... 144
Year 4--Alms, Prayer, Fasting ... 144
Year 5--The Draught of Fishes ... 145

Week 7 "Sought for Healing" 

Year 1--Many are Healed ... 145
Year 2--Healing the Leper ... 146
Year 3--The Nobleman's Son ... 146
Year 4--The Centurion's Servant ... 147
Year 5--The Pool of Bethesda ... 147

Week 8 “Increasing Controversy” 

Year 1--The Forgiven Woman ... 147
Year 2--Through the Grainfields ... 147
Year 3--Man with a Withered Hand ... 148
Year 4--Healing the Paralytic ... 148
Year 5--Rejection at Nazareth ... 150


Week 9 "Parables of the Kingdom"
Year 1--The Sower ... 151
Year 2--The Mustard Seed ... 151
Year 3--The Leaven ... 151
Year 4--The Hidden Treasure ... 151
Year 5--The Pearl of Great Price ... 151

Week 10 "Reports of Miracles"

Year 1--A Sudden Storm  ... 151
Year 2--Among the Tombs ... 151
Year 3--The Hem of His Garment ... 152
Year 4--Jairus' Daughter ... 152
Year 5--Feeding the 5000 ... 152

Week 11 "Turning Point"

Year 1--Make Him King! ... 152
Year 2--On the Sea ... 152
Year 3--The Bread of Life ... 153
Year 4--Many Turn Away ... 153
Year 5--Show Us a Sign ... 157

Week 12 "Son of God"
Year 1--Peter's Confession ... 157
Year 2--The Transfiguration - Part 1 ... 158
Year 3--The Transfiguration - Part 2 ... 158
Year 4--The Transfiguration - Part 3 ... 158
Year 5--The Transfiguration - Part 4 ... 158


Week 13 “Christmas Stories”
Year 1--Mary and Joseph ... 122
Year 2--Elizabeth and Zacharias ... 122
Year 3--Announcement to Mary ... 122
Year 4--The Holy Family ... 122
Year 5--Nazareth in Galilee ... 122

Week 14 “Christmas Stories”
Year 1--Journey to Bethlehem ... 122
Year 2--Born in a Stable  ... 122
Year 3--Glory to God ... 122
Year 4--Star of Bethlehem ... 122
Year 5--Visit of the Wise Men ... 122

Two-week Christmas break

Week 15 “Early Years”
Year 1--Presentation in the Temple ... 122
Year 2--Escape to Egypt ... 122, 123
Year 3--Young Jesus at Jerusalem ... 125
Year 4--Baptism of Jesus ... 135
Year 5--Forty Days ... 136


Second Semester
Week 16 picks up where Week 12 left off

Week 16 "Ministry Continued"
Year 1--Jesus Heals a Boy - Part 1 ... 158
Year 2--Jesus Heals a Boy - Part 2 ... 158
Year 3--Like This Child ... 158
Year 4--The Unforgiving Servant ... 159 parable
Year 5--Forbid Him Not ... 159

Week 17 "Feast of Tabernacles" 

Year 1--A Village Refuses ... 162
Year 2--At the Feast ... 162
Year 3--Light of the World ... 162
Year 4--Living Water ... 162
Year 5--Martha and Mary ... 162

Week 18 "Feast of Dedication"

Year 1--The Rich Young Man ... 163
Year 2--The Good Samaritan - Part 1 ... 164
Year 3--The Good Samaritan - Part 2 ... 164 parable
Year 4--The Man Born Blind - Part 1 ... 164
Year 5--The Man Born Blind - Part 2 ... 164

Week 19 "Trust and Preparedness" 

Year 1--The Good Shepherd ... 165 parable
Year 2--Not One Sparrow ... 165
Year 3--Parable of the Rich Fool ... 165 parable
Year 4--Consider the Lilies ... 165
Year 5--Treasure in Heaven ... 165


Week 20 "More Healings"

Year 1--The Ten Lepers ... 166
Year 2--With the Pharisees - Part 1 ... 167
Year 3--With the Pharisees - Part 2 ... 167
Year 4--The Infirm Woman ... 167
Year 5--Raising of Lazarus ... 167, 168

Week 21 "More Parables"

Year 1--The Pharisee and the Publican ... 167 parable
Year 2--Blessing the Children ... 167
Year 3--The Lost Sheep  ... 169 parable 
Year 4--The Lost Coin  ... 169  parable 
Year 5--The Lost Son  ... 169  parable of the Prodigal Son

Week 22 “Near Jerusalem”
Year 1--Request for Honor  ... 171
Year 2--O Jerusalem  ... 171
Year 3--Healing of Bartimeus  ... 171
Year 4--Zacchaeus in the Tree  ... 171
Year 5--Mary Anoints Jesus  ... 172

Week 23 “Entry into Jerusalem” 
Year 1--A Donkey's Colt  ... 172
Year 2--Hosanna!  ... 172
Year 3--He Wept Over It  ... 172
Year 4--Stones Along the Road  ... 172
Year 5--Into Jerusalem  ... 172


Week 24 “Final Days”

Year 1--The Widow's Mite  ... 172
Year 2--Cleansing the Temple  ... 173
Year 3--Render to Caesar  ... 174
Year 4--The Great Commandment ... 174
Year 5--Parable of the Talents ... 176

Week 25 “Last Supper”
Year 1--The Upper Room ... 178
Year 2--The Passover Meal ... 179
Year 3--Washing Their Feet ... 179
Year 4--The Betrayer ... 179
Year 5--In Remembrance ... 179

Take a one-week break on Easter Sunday

Week 26 “Farewell Discourse”
Year 1--The New Commandment ... 180
Year 2--The Vine and Branches ... 180
Year 3--Many Mansions ... 180
Year 4--The Promised Spirit ... 180
Year 5--My Peace ... 181

Week 27 "Arrest and Trial"

Year 1--Garden of Gethsemane ... 182
Year 2--The Arrest of Jesus ... 183
Year 3--Peter's Denial ... 184
Year 4--Jesus on Trial - Part 1 ... 185
Year 5--Jesus on Trial - Part 2 ... 185


Week 28 “Crucifixion” 
Year 1--To Golgotha ... 187
Year 2--Father, Forgive Them ... 187
Year 3--Women at the Cross ... 187
Year 4--The Thief on the Cross ... 187
Year 5--It is Finished ... 187
Week 29 “Resurrection” 
Year 1--Burial of Jesus ... 188
Year 2--Guarding the Tomb ... 188
Year 3--The Early Hours ... 189
Year 4--He is Risen ... 189
Year 5--Peter and John ... 189

Week 30 “First Appearances” 

Year 1--Mary Magdalene ... 189
Year 2--The Walk to Emmaus - Part 1 ... 190
Year 3--The Walk to Emmaus - Part 2 ... 190
Year 4--To the Apostles ... 191
Year 5--Doubting Thomas ... 191

Week 31 “Later Appearances”
Year 1--On the Shore - Part 1 ... 192
Year 2--On the Shore - Part 2 ... 192
Year 3--The Good News ... 192
Year 4--The Ascension ... 193
Year 5--Pentecost ... 194

Lessons end on the last Sunday in April.

Contact: if you wish to receive the free weekly lessons. They arrive by email as a PDF and can be printed as a one page handout.

For more about One Page Stories of Jesus, click here: OTHER POSTS  🌿