Paper 136:3
The Urantia Book
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After Jesus was baptized, he immediately went into the wilderness for forty days. Jesus needed to pray, think, and make important decisions before he began his ministry. During the forty days, Matthew’s gospel says that Satan tried to tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread and to perform a risky act. In addition, he tried to tempt Jesus with the glory of worldly kingdoms. But Jesus said, “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.”
Discussion Questions
Jesus never used his great power for selfish reasons. In everything, Jesus sought to do the will of his heavenly Father. Talk about each of the temptations from Matthew’s gospel. Why would Jesus refuse to use his power in that way?
Serve thou God. Be sincere in thy worship.
Is not a sincere worship due to God! (Hinduism)
Seek the pleasure of the Wise One
With thought, words and actions
Gladly unto His praise.
And seek His worship,
Making straight the paths
For the religion which the Lord ordained. (Zoroastrianism)