Paper 150:7-9
The Urantia Book
Students may read Paper 150:9 or all of sections 7-9
Jesus returned home to Nazareth and spoke in the synagogue. He read from the prophet Isaiah beginning with, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me.” After reading Isaiah’s words of liberty and healing, he said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled.” Some of the people were offended by this and said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” They noticed he performed no miracles in Nazareth. An angry crowd brought him to the top of a hill, but he turned and walked through the midst of them.
Why did Nazareth reject Jesus? Why do you think Jesus was able to walk away unharmed? Talk about the scripture that Jesus read. What stands out to you? Jesus came to love and serve, just as he taught us to love and serve one another.
Live on,
For the good and the happiness of the great multitudes,
Out of pity for the world,
For the good and the gain and the weal of men! (Buddhism)
I shall never forsake the service of God,
Even though men revile me for it. (Sikhism)