Set 10 of the Double Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 18, 19 and the following paper from Part IV:
Paper 133
The Return from Rome
133:5.1 They shortly arrived at the olden center of Greek science and learning, and Ganid was thrilled with the thought of being in Athens, of being in Greece, the cultural center of the onetime Alexandrian empire, which had extended its borders even to his own land of India. ...
Excerpt from Paper 133: section 5, paragraph 1
The Return from Rome
133:5.1 They shortly arrived at the olden center of Greek science and learning, and Ganid was thrilled with the thought of being in Athens, of being in Greece, the cultural center of the onetime Alexandrian empire, which had extended its borders even to his own land of India. ...
Excerpt from Paper 133: section 5, paragraph 1