Paper 172:3
The Urantia Book
Jesus made a plan to ride into Jerusalem for the last time. He told two of his disciples to go to a neighboring village and find a colt of a donkey. He also told them where to find the colt and what to say when asked why they were untying the animal. When the disciples returned with the colt, garments were placed upon its back for Jesus to sit upon. People also spread garments on the road. A happy crowd followed Jesus to Jerusalem shouting, “Hosanna!” and waving leafy branches.
Discussion Questions
Jesus chose to ride a donkey into Jerusalem rather than a horse. What is a possible meaning of that choice? Jesus and his kingdom will bring peace on earth. How is that possible? This story is remembered every year on Palm Sunday.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him
Who bringeth good tidings, who publisheth peace! (Judaism)
The One Who rules over every single source,
In Whom this whole world comes together,
The Lord, the Blessing-giver, and God adorable:—
By revering Him, one goes for ever to this peace. (Hinduism)