For adult study: "He Wept Over It"
The story summary and questions were written in a way that makes it possible to use a New Testament reference in place of the Urantia reference. A selected chapter from a 1932 book, Treasure-House of the Living Religions, supports a spiritual theme that is found within the story. Children will use a one page handout that includes a coloring picture.Paper 172:3
The Urantia Book
He came near and saw the city
Students may read Paper 172:3.7-11 or entire section
Jesus made his final entry into the city of Jerusalem on the day that has become known as Palm Sunday. It was a joyous occasion for the multitude of people who followed along with Jesus as he rode on a donkey’s colt. Suddenly, however, the mood changed from joy to sorrow. Jesus stopped to look out over the city of Jerusalem, and the people could see he was weeping. He knew he would be rejected, and the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed by the Roman army.
Discussion Questions
Jesus was born into a Jewish family, and he loved his people, the Jews. He lamented, “If you had only known the things which belong to your peace.” What type of leader were the Jews hoping for? How does Jesus bring peace?
Additional reading:
Read what Jesus said to his apostles, a few days later, about the destruction of Jerusalem.
Re: Young Jesus on Olivet
125:4.2 Early next day Jesus was up and on his way to the temple. On the brow of Olivet he paused and wept over the sight his eyes beheld—a spiritually impoverished people, tradition bound and living under the surveillance of the Roman legions. ...
125:6.9 ... Only once did they pause, and that on the brow of Olivet, when the lad raised his staff aloft and, quivering from head to foot under the surging of intense emotion, said: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ...
New Testament reference
Revised Common Lectionary
Chapter 49—Peace and War—p.267
The Most High God looked down on earth.
His people's peace He sought. (Confucianism)
God will guide to paths of peace
Him who shall follow after His good pleasure,
And will bring them out of the darkness to the light;
And to the straight path will He guide them. (Islam)