
Week 28 of Year 5 "It is Finished"


For adult study: "It is Finished"

The story summary and questions were written in a way that makes it possible to use a New Testament reference in place of the Urantia reference. A selected chapter from a 1932 book, titled Treasure-House of the Living Religions, supports a spiritual theme that is found within the story. Children will use a one page handout that includes a coloring picture.

Paper 187:5-6
The Urantia Book

Surely this was a righteous man

Students may read Paper 187:5.4-5 or all of sections 5-6

Around noon, on the day of the crucifixion, darkness filled the sky. Jesus breathed his last breath about three o’clock in the afternoon. The soldiers were there when he died as were a small group of women. When the end came, he cried out, “It is finished! Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Then, he bowed his head and died. When the centurion at the cross saw how Jesus died, he said, “Surely this was a righteous man.” He also said, “Truly this was the Son of God.”

Discussion Questions

What did Jesus mean when he said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”? The crucifixion of Jesus was a life-changing experience for the centurion at the cross. Why do you think the centurion was impressed with Jesus?     

Procedure for using the PDF handouts with children


Additional reading:

Read why the apostle John was able to be with Jesus from the time of his arrest to his death on the cross. The Roman captain at Jesus' arrest was also the centurion at the cross. 


Re: Righteousness

188:4.12  The great thing about the death of Jesus, as it is related to the enrichment of human experience and the enlargement of the way of salvation, is not the fact of his death but rather the superb manner and the matchless spirit in which he met death.

188:5.9 ... The cross does stand as the token of the highest form of unselfish service, the supreme devotion of the full bestowal of a righteous life in the service of wholehearted ministry, even in death, the death of the cross. ...


New Testament reference


Chapter 32—Righteousness and Virtue—p.168

The righteous shall shine forth as the sun 

In the kingdom of their Father.  (Christianity)

The word of the Lord is right;
And all His works are done in truth.
He loveth righteousness and judgment:
The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.  (Judaism)
