The story summary and questions were written in a way that makes it possible to use a New Testament reference in place of the Urantia reference. A selected chapter from a 1932 book, titled Treasure-House of the Living Religions, supports a spiritual theme that is found within the story. Children will use a one page handout that includes a coloring picture.
Paper 194:0-1
The Urantia Book
After Jesus’ final appearance and ascension, the apostles knew they should remain in Jerusalem until the outpouring of the promised Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, it arrived with power. “They were all together in one place” when they received the Spirit, which filled them with joy and spiritual strength. The disciples immediately went out to preach the good news to all who were in Jerusalem for Pentecost. Many new believers, from many lands, were baptized that day.
Discussion Questions
The promised Spirit has long been known as the Holy Spirit. We also know it as the Spirit of Truth. How did the disciples realize it had come? Did anyone else experience the Spirit on that day? What does the Spirit of Truth do for us now?
Weeping may endure for a night;
But joy cometh in the morning. (Judaism)
He knows the boundless joy
Which is beyond the senses,
Which the mind apprehends; and, fixed therein,
Never wavers from the truth. (Hinduism)