Paper 140:3.2-11
The Urantia Book
Students may read Paper 140:3.2-11
Jesus climbed a high hill, and his disciples gathered around to hear him teach. He taught them many things about true happiness. One thing he said was, “Happy are they who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” And he said, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.” We also see this written as, “Blessed are they who are persecuted.” It is the eighth Beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus was persecuted, and he knew his disciples would face persecution after his death. Can you think of some people today who are persecuted? Why are people persecuted when they stand up for what is right and good?
[Saith the Lord:]
"Whosoever, whether male or female, worketh righteousness
and is a true believer—
we will surely raise to a happy life;
and we will give them their reward
according to the utmost merit of their actions." (Islam)
Verily, there is a reward for the righteous.
Verily, there is a God Who judgeth in the earth. (Judaism)