The Urantia Book
Students may read Paper 143:5.1-3 or all of sections 5-6
Jesus and the disciples stopped near a Samaritan town on their way to Galilee. The disciples went into town to buy food. Jesus, however, chose to sit and rest beside a well outside of town. Soon, a Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well, and Jesus asked her for a drink. His request surprised her. After they spoke a little more, Jesus revealed to her that he was the source of “living water,” which she could have asked for if she had understood who she was speaking to.
When we drink a cup of water, we can remember that Jesus gives us water that satisfies our spiritual thirst. Jesus said it becomes “a well of water springing up to eternal life.” Do we need to ask for this “living water”? What is spiritual thirst?
The Lord said: "I am with thee,
and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest,
and will bring thee again. will not leave thee." (Judaism)
Him Whom I thought without me
I now find within me.
When I found this secret,
I recognized the Lord of the world. (Sikhism)