Paper 151:4.5
The Urantia Book
When Jesus was in Galilee, he sat in a boat and taught a multitude on the shore. He told the people a parable saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking goodly pearls.” One day, the merchant found an especially beautiful pearl. When he saw the pearl of great price, he sold everything he owned so that he could buy that beautiful pearl. Jesus told parables like this so people could easily remember what he said and begin to understand more about the kingdom of heaven.
Discussion Questions
What can we learn from the merchant in this story? How is the kingdom of heaven like the beautiful pearl? Remember that Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God,” and “The Kingdom of God is within you.”
As riches adorn a house, so virtue adorns the person. (Confucianism)
Righteousness was declared for the aggrandizement
And growth of all creatures.
Therefore what brings on advancement
And growth is righteousness. (Hinduism)