The Urantia Book
You have now seen him
Students may read Paper 164:5.4-6 or entire section
Three amazing things happened to a Jerusalem man who had been born blind. First, Jesus healed him of his blindness on a Sabbath day. Then, he was ordered to appear before the Pharisees who questioned him and cast him out of the synagogue. Afterward, Jesus found the man and asked him if he believed in the Son of God. When the healed man realized that he was speaking to Jesus he declared, “‘Lord, I believe,” and he fell down and worshiped.
Discussion Questions
At the end of this eventful day, why did Jesus go in search of the healed man? We can see that the man’s faith had grown to the point where he could sincerely say, “Lord, I believe.” What might have caused his faith to grow that day?
Wide opened is the door of the Immortal
to all who have ears to hear.
Let them send forth faith to meet it. (Buddhism)
God is with you. Have no doubts in your heart. (Confucianism)