
Set 23


Set 23 of the Double Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 47, 48 and the following paper from Part IV:

Events leading up to the Capernaum Crisis

152:3.2 This mighty shout enthused Peter and those of the apostles who still retained the hope of seeing Jesus assert his right to rule. But these false hopes were not to live for long. This mighty shout of the multitude had hardly ceased to reverberate from the near-by rocks when Jesus stepped upon a huge stone and, lifting up his right hand to command their attention, said: “My children, you mean well, but you are shortsighted and material-minded.” There was a brief pause; this stalwart Galilean was there majestically posed in the enchanting glow of that eastern twilight. ... 
Excerpt from Paper 152: section 3, paragraph 2