
Set 24


Set 24 of the Double Track Annual Reading of The Urantia Book contains Papers 49, 50 and the following two papers from Part IV:
The Crisis at Capernaum

Paper 154
Last Days at Capernaum

153:1.1 A distinguished congregation greeted Jesus at three o’clock on this exquisite Sabbath afternoon in the new Capernaum synagogue. Jairus presided and handed Jesus the Scriptures to read. The day before, fifty-three Pharisees and Sadducees had arrived from Jerusalem; more than thirty of the leaders and rulers of the neighboring synagogues were also present. These Jewish religious leaders were acting directly under orders from the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem, and they constituted the orthodox vanguard which had come to inaugurate open warfare on Jesus and his disciples. ... 
Excerpt from Paper 153: section 1, paragraph 1