One day, Jesus journeyed up a high mountain. He took Peter, James, and John with him. It was important that they were alone on the mountain because of what they were about to experience. The three disciples saw Jesus glorified in heavenly light. “His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.” They also saw two others with Jesus and heard a voice. The mountain on which all of this happened became known as the Mount of Transfiguration.
Discussion Questions
We should remember that several days earlier, Peter had declared that Jesus was the Son of God. How does that relate to what happened on the mountain? Do you have any thoughts about the phenomena of heavenly light?
The Supreme Being is brilliant, the Light of lights
That which knowers of the soul do know.
After Him, as He shines, doth everything shine
This whole world is illumined with His light. (Hinduism)
God is the Light of the heaven and of the earth. (Islam)