Paper 152:4
The Urantia Book
They entered into a boat
Students may read Paper 152:4 with the preceding paragraph
After Jesus fed five thousand people, they wanted to make him king. But he would not allow it. Then Jesus sent the disciples back to Bethsaida, across the Sea of Galilee. Thus he left them and went into the hills alone. The disciples rowed late into the night against the wind. During this crossing, the scriptures tell the story of Jesus walking on the sea. In the gospel story, Jesus says, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” And then, Peter tries to walk on water.
Discussion Questions
How do you think the disciples felt as they rowed back to Bethsaida? Jesus knew that all of the disciples were likely struggling with doubt after the crushing end to the events of the day. What does it mean to have steadfast faith?
Be steadfast in resolve. Keep watch o'er your own hearts.
Who wearies not, but holds fast to this truth and law,
shall cross this sea of life, shall make an end of grief. (Buddhism)
O our Lord, pour out steadfastness upon us,
And set our feet firm. (Islam)