
Week 6 of Year 3 "The Widow and the Judge"


For adult study: "The Widow and the Judge"

The story summary and questions were written in a way that makes it possible to use a New Testament reference in place of the Urantia reference. A selected chapter from a 1932 book, titled Treasure-House of the Living Religions, supports a spiritual theme that is found within the story. 
Children will use a one page handout that includes a coloring picture.

Paper 144:2.5
The Urantia Book

A widow of that city came to him repeatedly

Students may read Paper 144:2.5

Jesus said we should “pray always and not become discouraged.“ Then, he told a story about a persistent widow and an unjust judge. The widow needed help because someone in the city was being unfair to her. So she went to the judge, but he would not listen to her. He had no respect for God or people. The widow, however, did not give up. She kept coming to him for justice. Finally, the judge said, “I will vindicate her, or she will wear me out by her continual coming.”

Discussion Questions

We are advised to pray persistently, but what do we need to understand about God? When we faithfully keep praying, something good will happen. But it might not be what we expect. How does prayer change us on the inside?

Procedure for using the PDF handouts with children


Additional reading:

Read this short paragraph and relate it to the last sentence in the story of the widow and the judge.


Re: Soul capacity

144:4.2  The earnest and longing repetition of any petition, when such a prayer is the sincere expression of a child of God and is uttered in faith, no matter how ill-advised or impossible of direct answer, never fails to expand the soul’s capacity for spiritual receptivity.

144:4.4 ... The soul’s spiritual capacity for receptivity determines the quantity of heavenly blessings which can be personally appropriated and consciously realized as an answer to prayer.


New Testament reference

Revised Common Lectionary


Chapter 6—Worship and Prayer—p.23

Be ye steadfast in prayer. 

And give glad tidings to those who believe.  (Islam)

Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks.  (Christianity)
