
Week 6 of Year 4 "Alms, Prayer, Fasting"


For adult study: "Alms, Prayer, Fasting"

The story summary and questions were written in a way that makes it possible to use a New Testament reference in place of the Urantia reference. A selected chapter from a 1932 book, Treasure-House of the Living Religions, supports a spiritual theme that is found within the story. 
Children will use a one page handout that includes a coloring picture.

Paper 144:3.14 and 140:6.11
The Urantia Book

Your Father knows what you need

Students may read Paper 144:3.14 and also read 140:6.11

Jesus taught his disciples that they should pray by themselves and not make a show of giving alms or fasting. All these practices should be done privately. Jesus wanted his disciples to pray alone, unseen by other people. He told them, “Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.” He also said that fancy words were not important. “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Discussion Questions
Sometimes Jesus and the disciples prayed together. But Jesus also sent them off to pray alone. Why didn’t Jesus approve of praying in front of others? Why is it helpful to understand that God knows what we need even before we ask?

Procedure for using the PDF handouts with children


Additional reading:

This paragraph is point number 11 in Jesus' discourse at Jotapata. He reminds the twenty-four that personal prayers should be private. Prayers of thanksgiving are appropriate for group prayers.


Re: Personal Prayers

146:2.15  14. Jesus warned his followers against thinking that their prayers would be rendered more efficacious by ornate repetitions, eloquent phraseology, fasting, penance, or sacrifices. But he did exhort his believers to employ prayer as a means of leading up through thanksgiving to true worship. ...

146:2.16  15. And then Jesus said: “Be not constantly overanxious about your common needs. Be not apprehensive concerning the problems of your earthly existence, but in all these things by prayer and supplication, with the spirit of sincere thanksgiving, let your needs be spread out before your Father who is in heaven.” ...


New Testament reference


Chapter 27—Thankfulness—p.138

Attend to your prayers.
Maintain your zest for prayer by thanksgiving.
And pray for me as well.  (Christianity)


Glorify God, for that He hath directed you,
And that ye may give thanks.  (Islam)
