
Year 1 - For Adult Study


For Adult Study

Each link, seen below, shows the references used in preparing a One Page Story. You'll also see the story summary and discussion questions. The link does not show the coloring picture, which is a prominent part of the children's handout.

As time goes on, more items for adult study will be added to each story link.

First Semester of Year 1

Week 1 of Year 1The First Disciples

Week 2 of Year 1—The Poor in Spirit

Week 3 of Year 1—Salt and Light

Week 4 of Year 1—John the Baptist - Part 1

Week 5 of Year 1—Our Father

Week 6 of Year 1—The Friend at Midnight

Week 7 of Year 1—Many are Healed

Week 8 of Year 1—The Forgiven Woman

Week 9 of Year 1—Parable of the Sower

Week 10 of Year 1—A Sudden Storm

Week 11 of Year 1—Make Him King!

Week 12 of Year 1—Peter's Confession

Week 13 of Year 1—Mary and Joseph

Week 14 of Year 1—Journey to Bethlehem

Week 15 of Year 1—Presentation in the Temple

Second Semester of Year 1

Week 16 of Year 1—Jesus Heals a Boy - Part 1

Week 17 of Year 1—A Village Refuses

Week 18 of Year 1—The Rich Young Man

Week 19 of Year 1—The Good Shepherd

Week 20 of Year 1—The Ten Lepers

Week 21 of Year 1—The Pharisee and the Publican

Week 22 of Year 1—Request for Honor

Week 23 of Year 1—A Donkey's Colt

Week 24 of Year 1—The Widow's Mite

Week 25 of Year 1—The Upper Room

Week 26 of Year 1—The New Commandment

Week 27 of Year 1—Garden of Gethsemane

Week 28 of Year 1—To Golgotha

Week 29 of Year 1—Burial of Jesus

Week 30 of Year 1—Mary Magdalene

Week 31 of Year 1—On the Shore - Part 1 

🌿 ALL LESSONS ... For Adult Study