
For Adult Study


For Adult Study

Each link, seen below, shows the references used in preparing a One Page Story. You'll also see the story summary and discussion questions. 
The link does not show the coloring picture, which is a prominent part of the children's handout. 


Begin on the Sunday after the first Monday in September. 


Week 1 “Gathering the Disciples”
Year 1--The First Disciples ... 137 
Year 2--Come and See ... 137  
Year 3--The Wedding at Cana ... 137 
Year 4--The Call of Matthew ... 138  
Year 5--The Twelve Apostles ... 140 

Week 2 “The Beatitudes”
Year 1--The Poor in Spirit ... 140
Year 2--They Who Mourn ... 140
Year 3--The Merciful ... 140
Year 4--The Peacemakers ... 140
Year 5--They Who are Persecuted ... 140

Week 3 “The Ordination Sermon” 

Year 1--Salt and Light ... 140
Year 2--Turn the Other Cheek ... 140
Year 3--Love Your Enemies ... 140
Year 4--Be You Perfect ... 140
Year 5--Judge Not ... 140


Week 4 "Notable People” 
Year 1--John the Baptist - Part 1 ... 135  
Year 2--John the Baptist - Part 2  ... 135 and 144
Year 3--Visit with Nicodemus ... 142
Year 4--Woman at the Well - Part 1 ... 143 
Year 5--Woman at the Well - Part 2  ... 143

Week 5 “The Believer's Prayer” 
Year 1--Our Father ... 144
Year 2--Your Will Be Done  ... 144
Year 3--Give Us This Day ... 144
Year 4--Forgive Us ... 144
Year 5--Deliver Us ... 144

Week 6 “About Prayer”
Year 1--The Friend at Midnight ... 144
Year 2--The Wise Father ... 144
Year 3--The Widow and the Judge ... 144
Year 4--Alms, Prayer, Fasting ... 144
Year 5--The Draught of Fishes ... 145

Week 7 "Sought for Healing" 

Year 1--Many are Healed ... 145
Year 2--Healing the Leper ... 146
Year 3--The Nobleman's Son ... 146
Year 4--The Centurion's Servant ... 147
Year 5--The Pool of Bethesda ... 147

Week 8 “Increasing Controversy” 

Year 1--The Forgiven Woman ... 147
Year 2--Through the Grainfields ... 147
Year 3--Man with a Withered Hand ... 148
Year 4--Healing the Paralytic ... 148
Year 5--Rejection at Nazareth ... 150


Week 9 "Parables of the Kingdom"
Year 1--The Sower ... 151
Year 2--The Mustard Seed ... 151
Year 3--The Leaven ... 151
Year 4--The Hidden Treasure ... 151
Year 5--The Pearl of Great Price ... 151

Week 10 "Reports of Miracles"

Year 1--A Sudden Storm  ... 151
Year 2--Among the Tombs ... 151
Year 3--The Hem of His Garment ... 152
Year 4--Jairus' Daughter ... 152
Year 5--Feeding the 5000 ... 152

Week 11 "Turning Point"

Year 1--Make Him King! ... 152
Year 2--On the Sea ... 152
Year 3--The Bread of Life ... 153
Year 4--Many Turn Away ... 153
Year 5--Show Us a Sign ... 157

Week 12 "Son of God"
Year 1--Peter's Confession ... 157

Occasionally, the above lesson may be skipped in order to start the Christmas stories on time. 


Week 13 “Christmas Stories”
Year 1--Mary and Joseph ... 122
Year 2--Elizabeth and Zacharias ... 122
Year 3--Announcement to Mary ... 122
Year 4--The Holy Family ... 122
Year 5--Nazareth in Galilee ... 122

Week 14 “Christmas Stories”
Year 1--Journey to Bethlehem ... 122
Year 2--Born in a Stable  ... 122
Year 3--Glory to God ... 122
Year 4--Star of Bethlehem ... 122
Year 5--Visit of the Wise Men ... 122

Christmas break
Week 15 is scheduled for the first Sunday after New Year's Day


Week 15 “Early Years”
Year 1--Presentation in the Temple ... 122
Year 2--Escape to Egypt ... 122, 123
Year 3--Young Jesus at Jerusalem ... 125
Year 4--Baptism of Jesus ... 136
Year 5--Forty Days ... 136

Second Semester begins
Week 16 picks up where Week 12 left off.

Week 16 "Ministry Continued"
Year 1--Jesus Heals a Boy - Part 1 ... 158
Year 2--Jesus Heals a Boy - Part 2 ... 158
Year 3--Like This Child ... 158
Year 4--The Unforgiving Servant ... 159 parable
Year 5--Forbid Him Not ... 159

Week 17 "Feast of Tabernacles" 

Year 1--A Village Refuses ... 162
Year 2--At the Feast ... 162
Year 3--Light of the World ... 162
Year 4--Living Water ... 162
Year 5--Martha and Mary ... 162

Week 18 "Feast of Dedication"

Year 1--The Rich Young Man ... 163
Year 2--The Good Samaritan - Part 1 ... 164
Year 3--The Good Samaritan - Part 2 ... 164 parable
Year 4--The Man Born Blind - Part 1 ... 164
Year 5--The Man Born Blind - Part 2 ... 164

Week 19 "Trust and Preparedness" 

Year 1--The Good Shepherd ... 165 parable
Year 2--Not One Sparrow ... 165
Year 3--Parable of the Rich Fool ... 165 parable
Year 4--Consider the Lilies ... 165
Year 5--Treasure in Heaven ... 165


Week 20 "More Healings"

Year 1--The Ten Lepers ... 166
Year 2--With the Pharisees - Part 1 ... 167
Year 3--With the Pharisees - Part 2 ... 167
Year 4--The Infirm Woman ... 167
Year 5--Raising of Lazarus ... 167, 168

Week 21 "More Parables"

Year 1--The Pharisee and the Publican ... 167 parable
Year 2--Blessing the Children ... 167
Year 3--The Lost Sheep  ... 169 parable 
Year 4--The Lost Coin  ... 169  parable 
Year 5--The Lost Son  ... 169  parable of the Prodigal Son

Week 22 “Near Jerusalem”
Year 1--Request for Honor  ... 171
Year 2--O Jerusalem  ... 171
Year 3--Healing of Bartimeus  ... 171
Year 4--Zacchaeus in the Tree  ... 171
Year 5--Mary Anoints Jesus  ... 172

Week 23 “Entry into Jerusalem” 
Year 1--A Donkey's Colt  ... 172
Year 2--Hosanna!  ... 172
Year 3--He Wept Over It  ... 172
Year 4--Stones Along the Road  ... 172
Year 5--Into Jerusalem  ... 172


Week 24 “Final Days”

Year 1--The Widow's Mite  ... 172
Year 2--Cleansing the Temple  ... 173
Year 3--Render to Caesar  ... 174
Year 4--The Great Commandment ... 174
Year 5--Parable of the Talents ... 176

Week 25 “Last Supper”
Year 1--The Upper Room ... 178
Year 2--The Passover Meal ... 179
Year 3--Washing Their Feet ... 179
Year 4--The Betrayer ... 179
Year 5--In Remembrance ... 179

May take a one-week break on Easter Sunday

Week 26 “Farewell Discourse”
Year 1--The New Commandment ... 180
Year 2--The Vine and Branches ... 180
Year 3--Many Mansions ... 180
Year 4--The Promised Spirit ... 180
Year 5--My Peace ... 181

Week 27 "Arrest and Trial"

Year 1--Garden of Gethsemane ... 182
Year 2--The Arrest of Jesus ... 183
Year 3--Peter's Denial ... 184
Year 4--Jesus on Trial - Part 1 ... 185
Year 5--Jesus on Trial - Part 2 ... 185


Week 28 “Crucifixion” 
Year 1--To Golgotha ... 187
Year 2--Father, Forgive Them ... 187
Year 3--Women at the Cross ... 187
Year 4--The Thief on the Cross ... 187
Year 5--It is Finished ... 187

Week 29 “Resurrection” 
Year 1--Burial of Jesus ... 188
Year 2--Guarding the Tomb ... 188
Year 3--The Early Hours ... 189
Year 4--He is Risen ... 189
Year 5--Peter and John ... 189

Week 30 “First Appearances” 

Year 1--Mary Magdalene ... 189
Year 2--The Walk to Emmaus - Part 1 ... 190
Year 3--The Walk to Emmaus - Part 2 ... 190
Year 4--To the Apostles ... 191
Year 5--Doubting Thomas ... 191

Week 31 “Later Appearances”
Year 1--On the Shore - Part 1 ... 192
Year 2--On the Shore - Part 2 ... 192
Year 3--The Good News ... 192
Year 4--The Ascension ... 193
Year 5--Pentecost ... 194

Lessons end on the last Sunday in April or the first Sunday in May.

Extra Lessons:
